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Zach Shelton
Director of Bands

Zach Shelton received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Music Education from Campbellsville University. He has been Director of Bands with the Boyle County School District since August 2019. He previously spent 11 years rebranding and building a program to be proud of at Campbellsville Middle School and Campbellsville High School. Throughout his career, his bands consistently increase in size and earn numerous distinguished ratings in both the marching and concert band circuits. Many of his students have participated in All-District and All-State bands, some even placing within the top 10 in the state on their instrument. He is an active member of KMEA and served as the Fourth District’s President-Elect and President, and is currently serving as President-Elect of the 11th district. Zach is a strong advocate for arts education. He strives to provide students with opportunities to experience music in various ways, including within the district, but also through All-District, All-State, Honors bands, and community events. He loves building community partnerships on behalf of his students and as part of his advocacy efforts. His passion for music is inspiring, as is his passion for teaching his students and fostering a sense of community within his programs.
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